Product —  29 Nov 2018

The new lightweight one-piece manufactured Composhaft® misalignment coupling with integrated membranes

The new Gesilco® Composhaft® coupling is based on advanced fibre composite materials. The coupling is extremely lightweight and has a fully integrated design, which can be adapted to the specific needs of many applications.

Where the standard solution of the Gesilco® Composhaft® product range consists of 3 pieces, which are connected with bolts, the new solution with its’ one-piece manufacturing method offers new opportunities for lightweight, misalignment and power transmitting drivetrain solutions. The new Composhaft® CS 70 with a length of 1.7 meters and a weight of 45 kilograms offers low reaction forces and is calculated for a nominal torque range of 20kNm.

Article CS70 gesilco misalignment coupling 1
Article CS70 gesilco misalignment coupling 1

The Geislinger Coupling-Shaft Combination is the ideal option for big cooling tower and air ventilation solutions. Various tailor-made solutions are possible on request and offer the right solution for different drivetrains.

Article gesilco composhaft CS70 misalignment coupling
Article gesilco composhaft CS70 misalignment coupling
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