Events —  24 Oct 2016

The official opening ceremony at Geislinger for its new office building in Bad St. Leonhard, Carinthia/Austria

Bold and daring architecture, composed of light, glass, and transparency translate Geislinger’s mission statement “Leaders in Engineering” on to the new office building in Carinthia.

Geislinger’s new office building in Bad St. Leonhard was ceremonially inaugurated and presented to the public on September 30th, 2016. The new construction blends perfectly with the already established architecture of Geislinger GmbH, yet it sets a new accent in the landscape of the Lavanttal valley.

Due to the steady increase in the number of employees, the construction of the new office building was necessary. The modern office building provides state-of-the-art workplaces; short distances between the departments enable quick solution-solving. Special working areas can be used for team work; silent rooms enable concentrated and focused work processes.

Geislinger gmbh bad sankt leonhard official opening 2016
Geislinger gmbh bad sankt leonhard official opening 2016

Picture 1: Matthias Geislinger (CTO), Leonhard Geislinger, Josef Tinzl (Plant Manager Bad St. Leonhard), Volkmar Burgstaller (Architect), Simon Maier (Mayor of Bad St. Leonhard), Dr. Gaby Schaunig (Carinthia’s Vice-Governor), and Cornelius Geislinger (CEO) (from left to right)

During the official opening ceremony Matthias Geislinger (CTO), Leonhard Geislinger, Josef Tinzl (Plant Manager Bad St. Leonhard), Volkmar Burgstaller (Architect), Simon Maier (Mayor of Bad St. Leonhard), Dr. Gaby Schaunig (Carinthia’s Vice-Governor), and Cornelius Geislinger (CEO) cut the red ribbon and officially opened the new office building.

A courtyard roofed by a glass dome reaching across all floors is part of the ecologically sustainable climate concept of the new building. The multifunctional ground floor is designed to provide space for both receptions and brand presentations. The wave-shaped floor plan is enclosed by a façade of glass and is supposed to cause an immediate association with sea surf. Architect Volkmar Burgstaller explained his project as an attempt to catch Geislinger’s atmosphere as a company and a market leader and manifest it in a building.

Large glass windows create a visual link between the production area and the office building in order to strengthen the feeling of belonging. The building is equipped with the best ventilation and heating system. Furthermore, Geislinger’s new office building fulfils highest standards with regards to acoustics as well as light management. A unique biodynamic light management system creates a light atmosphere which is adapted to the daily cycle by changing the intensity and the colour of the light - the light is automatically switched on and off.

Geislinger gmbh corporate architecture bad sankt leonhard opening ceremony article
Geislinger gmbh corporate architecture bad sankt leonhard opening ceremony article

The components of the Geislinger couplings and dampers are manufactured in Bad St. Leonhard, around 440 of the 700 employees worldwide are employed in Carinthia. Due to the increased demand for fiber composite products, a state of the art production hall for carbon fiber composite products was completed in early spring 2015. Shortly afterwards, the construction of the new office building began. By the end of June 2016, the staff moved into the new building. The construction was finalised mid-September 2016, and cost 8 Million Euros in total. The new office building completes the extensions in Bad St. Leonhard – therefore Geislinger is well prepared for future challenges and sets new standards with this truly unique architecture.

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