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The use of fibre-reinforced composite shafts is a major benefit for lightweight powertrains due to their low mass. The innovative Geislinger Hub connects a cylindrical solid shaft by means of a bolted flange and helps to further reduce the weight of the whole driveline. Compared to conventional hub designs, the Geislinger Hub also facilitates the design of shaftlines that are much more compact due to higher torque transmission within the same installation space.

Based on Geislinger's decades of experience in the field of fiber composite technology, the Geislinger hub has an external reinforcement of the housing. This reinforcement ring achieves significantly higher rigidity and lower weight with the same connection dimensions compared to conventional designs. This ring is made of the same reliable high-performance material that is also used for GESILCO® shaft lines.

To optimise the frictional connection of torque transmission, the surfaces are treated with a special friction-enhancing measure, which has been used reliably for years in various Geislinger products. This advantageous design produces a high coefficient of friction. Importantly, the special design quality comes from modifying the base material itself, and not from coating it. As a result, adhesion problems do not arise with any connecting layers.

The Geislinger Hub is characterized by its easy assembly process, which involves expanding and closing the compression joint axially using high-pressure pumps. An additional hydraulic mechanism makes it easy and reliable to generate joint pressure in the connecting surfaces.


  • Very low mass
  • Very low mass moment of inertia
  • Easy installation
  • Long service life
  • Fire-resistant version possible

Technical data

  • Maximum torque range: 140 -745 kNm
  • Available shaft diameter: 180 – 270 mm
  • Customized flange connection possible


  • Marine
  • Power Generation
  • Industrial Applications
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