About Geislinger Corporate Architecture Compolight
Dynamic and vibration

Light, glass and transparency reflect Geislinger’s mission statement "Leaders in Engineering" and the vision of the family-owned company. A consistent design, based on dynamic openness, as well as vibration, can be seen at Geislinger locations all around the world.

Architect Volkmar Burgstaller explained his project as an attempt to catch Geislinger’s atmosphere as a company and market leader and manifest it in a building.

Bold and daring architecture symbolizes the vibrant, innovative energy of Geislinger. The corporate architecture at the Headquarters in Salzburg and all other locations is based on the philosophy of the magic of light, which turns the corporate culture into a sensual experience.

The office buildings function as a landmark, at the same time they combine functionality and inspiration by providing state-of-the-art workplaces. Silent rooms enable a concentrated and focused working process; special working areas can be used for teamwork and enable quick problem-solving. State-of-the-art workspaces create satisfied and motivated staff and inspire creative and innovative solutions.

Geislinger’s architecture captivates with the consistent design of the building and its interior. Even the office furniture is part of the overall concept. According to the Corporate Identity, the colors black, red, and silver are predominant.

Geislinger sets new standards with this truly unique architecture and is well-prepared for future challenges.



Streetlights designed and manufactured by Geislinger reflect the Headquarters’ innovative approach and create an ideal connection between interior and exterior.

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